Saturday, October 25, 2008

Applying for Grants

For the past couple of weeks I've been preparing material to submit for a writer's grant. The grant I am applying for is one that will make it possible for me to do intensive research in the archives of an Ontario university. The research should provide a touch of authenticity to a children's novel I hope to write.

The Writers' Union of Canada provides a link on its website to government agencies, both national (Canada Council for the Arts) and regional. Go to and click on "writing & publishing" to bring up a list of grant programmes available across Canada.

It goes without saying that one must read the guidelines for applying for any grant very carefully. I usually make a printed copy so that I can study it more closely. I keep it in a file folder with copies of whatever supporting material is requested. Be sure you are aware of all the deadlines and know how many copies for each part of the grant are required and where to send them.

It took me a while to select the writing sample I would submit with the application. I wanted to send something that I felt was my best work, a piece where the writing seems to sing off the page. In the end, I chose a chapter from near the end of a novel that is yet to be published.

Once I was sure all the forms had been properly signed and dated, I drove over to the copy shop to have all the necessary copies made. Yesterday I addressed envelopes, made sure each application went into the right envelope and headed for the post office.

Now there's nothing to do except forget about it and get myself back to the current writing project.

Till next time.

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